What can I do to help our lake?
Be Lake Smart is about managing your lakefront property and changing habits that pollute into actions that improve water quality.
"Be Lake Smart" is our little slogan reminding us to make smart choices that protect the lake. Follow our list of science-based Lake Smart Tips:
✓ Keep leaves, branches, trees, and other plant materials out of the lake. As these decay they increase nutrients in the water leading to algae growth. Bag or mulch the leaves, leaving them as natural fertilizer on the lawn.
✓ Do not use fertilizers or detergents on lawns, driveways or ramps where runoff could reach the lake.
✓ Remove dog droppings from the lawn and shoreline.
Never throw animal waste into the lake.
✓ Prevent any soil loss into the lake since phosphorus
clings to soil and grows algae.
✓ Use No-Phosphorus lawn fertilizers. Lake weeds and
algae grow with phosphorus runoff.
✓ If you use a lawn service like True Green, confirm what
type of fertilizer they apply.
✓ Protect your shorelines from erosion by stabilizing it with riprap,
a retaining wall, or vegetation buffer.
For an evaluation of how erosion-proof your shoreline is click: LP Water Project District.
✓ Pets, people, boats, lawn furniture, and anything you chose to wash should be cleaned where the water can’t run into the lake.
✓ Have your septic tank pumped every 2-3 years for year-round, 3-5 years for
seasonal properties.
✓ Follow Boat Wake Awareness when near shore. Waves and wakes from boats carry a lot of energy while crashing into the shore. They can weaken the shoreline and cause erosion. Motor slowly and be courteous.
✓ Hobby pets (like chickens, goats, pheasants) manage their waste and keep it out of the lake! The waste has high concentrations of phosphorous and nitrogen, also possible contamination with E. coli and salmonella.
It is all of our responsibility to keep our favorite lake healthy.

What can I do to help my favorite lake?
Manage your piece of ice.
Ice anglers enjoy the lake as winter’s frosty resource, but with its popularity - is growing pollution: chewing tobacco tins, empty beer cans, discarded clothing, wood, and lots of plastic minnow bags containing human excrement.
Garbage left behind does not disappear. It sinks and pollutes fish habitat and foraging, it
washes up on shore as sharp debris injuring swimmers and wildlife, it gets stuck on boat propellers. Not only is lake litter unsightly, its illegal. Everyone can prevent trash from ending
up in the lake.
We would like to thank every angler for following the recommended prevention steps listed below. These actions are vital to keeping your favorite fishing spot safe and accessible for years to come.
#1 Never use anti-freeze or fertilizers to keep holes free of ice.
An ice scoop with a long handle is best.
#2 Make sure your ice auger and vehicles are serviced regularly.
Fix oil and gas leaks before you head out on the lake.
#3 If you have to “go,” do NOT go on the ice or down a hole in the ice.
Human waste contains pathogens that are harmful to other humans and animals. Take along a portable toilet or locate nearby bathrooms to take care of business.
#4 Pack trash bags to pick up litter before you leave the ice.
If you see others leave trash behind, please pick up theirs too. It’s the right thing to do.
#5 Live bait can carry pathogens that are dangerous to aquatic life.
Never dump bait on the ice or down a hole. Carry it off the lake and dispose of it in the trash.
Always remember if you Pack It In...Pack It Out!